Rita Chehab


 Mon Amour
Acrylic on Canvas
May  2022
40cm X 30cm 

“Every time I want to take a break, to think, to rethink about a new painting… I end up painting myself with my 2 daughters. God gives me the strength and health to be with them always, to walk with them and enjoy every moment in our lives, until we can’t anymore.”





Wishful Year
Acrylic on Canvas
January 2022
50cm X 60cm

3 Women, each dedicated to a wishful desire to transcend 2022 into a year that re-introduces us to normality. A world where masks are a symbol of pleasure; a world without fear of hugs and kisses; and a world where walking down the street does not require permission.



Acrylic on Canvas
50cm X 60cm 
January  2022

“A New Beginning, or maybe a new Love, or perhaps a newborn… coming into this world of fear… a world of disease… a world with an unpredictable and uncertain future. I don’t remember the last time I had to think twice before hugging a child. I wish to return to simple pleasures; when kissing a new Love wasn’t dangerous; and when sitting with your family at dinner didn’t require a mask”.



The Mask we wear
Acrylic on Canvas
May 2022
50cm X 60cm

Even before we were obliged to wear the masks that have become a part of our daily existence, we used to wear other masks, simply to belong, and to fit into societal ideology. My 2022 wish is to remove all masks and be true to oneself.





The canvas and the Brush are the tools that allow me to explore my interiority, to deeply transform all my emotions, my feelings, into colours of my imagination and to travel without limits.
When I observe my paintings on display, each one becomes a kind of visual diary, transposing my experiences and feelings into images that speak of life moments, where the simple everyday becomes something extraordinary.


Rita Chehab
